How to Get Started with Employee Information

What employee information is required when getting started with FMI

This article is for users who have been given the permission of Works Coordinator and are getting started with FMI Works

Why is employee information required?

Staff that may need to access FMI Works include:

  • Facility Teams: FM Managers, Supervisors, Coordinators, and Trade Staff completing work.
  • Facility Users: Staff that will raise requests or report issues.

Employee information

Employee information is held in FMI Works for the purpose of communicating with users about the progress of work being completed.

Before you upload employee information, ensure you have added your locations.

Email address Must be a unique and valid email address to comply with security standards. Mandatory
Name For communication purposes. Mandatory
Phone Number Useful for communication purposes and can be added in the future. Optional
Site The place the employee works from. Mandatory

Uploading data

We upload your employee information as part of our onboarding services.

We also make our employee import template available to you to update your data at any time you choose.  This can be found in the Administrator module by selecting the References > Import Employees.