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  3. Application Programmer Interface (API)

Using API Documentation

Overview of how FMI Works API documentation is structured

This article is for developers and system integrators

APIs are expected to be made publicly available in early 2025

Open API

FMI Works products expose functionality through RESTful APIs over HTTPS, which are automatically documented using Open API. This setup offers interfaces that are both machine-readable and human-readable, facilitating the creation of automated client abstractions (e.g., via AutoRest) and simplifying human discovery. The result is an easy-to-use interface that aids in developing more maintainable code.

Further, our code, data structures, and comments generate the Open API interface. If something is added to our API, it is automatically added to our documentation, guaranteeing accuracy at high levels of depth.

Security First

All of our APIs are secured using roles defined within the application. The security mechanism is the same as the application, ensuring that safeguards in one cannot be bypassed in the other.

Interactive Testing

To simplify developer testing, the OpenID Connect authentication you use for the application can be used for APIs. Simply log in to the application (with sufficient privileges) and then use the same browser window to navigate to the Open API specification (https://{client}.fmiworks.com/swagger). Your time-limited session cookie will work for the APIs. Within minutes you'll be able to see how responsive and reliable the APIs are.

Error codes and sample responses

Error codes and sample responses are a crucial aspect of our API documentation, designed to provide developers with the knowledge needed to handle various scenarios that might arise during integration. Each API endpoint is accompanied by detailed explanations of possible error codes, along with sample responses to illustrate successful requests and how to address potential errors. This guidance ensures that developers can quickly diagnose and correct issues, contributing to a smoother development process.


Our documentation thoroughly outlines the parameters for each API endpoint, including required and optional fields, data types, and parameter-specific constraints. This detail aids developers in making API requests, ensuring that the data sent to and received from our API meets the expected format and criteria.


FMI Works APIs offer both simple and advanced filtering options. Simple filtering allows you to search for a space-separated list of terms and returns results that match any of the terms in the filterable fields. Advanced filtering, on the other hand, allows you to specify fields for filter terms, using the field name and a colon before the filter term, for example, state: New. Additionally, advanced filters can support ranges for filterable fields of number or datetime type.


FMI Works APIs provide support for sorting of sortable fields through the use of the 'sort' query parameter. This parameter enables you to select a specific field to sort the results by. Moreover, you can sort the results in ascending or descending order by using a '+' or '-' prefix on the parameter.

Paging and tokens

The FMI Works APIs incorporate pagination to efficiently handle large datasets, offering two methodologies for traversing records: Skip-Take and Continuation Token. This ensures streamlined access to extensive data without overwhelming the system or the user.