Having Problems Assigning Work?

Follow these steps to troubleshoot problems assigning work orders to internal employees or external suppliers

This article is for FMI Works users who have been given the permission of Works Coordinator or Works Manager


When assigning work internally or externally, there are several reasons why an employee or supplier will not appear in the Our Employee or Supplier dropdown on a work order. 

Problems assigning work to internal employees

Step 1: Check that the employee has been set up as a user in FMI Works 

Go to the Services module and select Contacts > Employee List. 

Use the Search Name filter to check whether the employee is set up in FMI Works. If not, manually create the new employee. See How to Create an Employee Contact.

Step 2: Check that the employee has been set up to work at the relevant site/s 

Go to the Services module and select Contacts.  

  • Using the filters, search and select the employee record. Once selected, the row will be highlighted in light blue.
  • Select Edit. This will open the Employee Details.  
  • Select the Sites / Security tab and then check that the required site/s is sitting under Selected Sites. If not, then you will be unable to assign work to the employee for that site. 
  • Sites can be moved between Available Sites and Selected Sites by selecting the relevant site/s checkboxes and using the < > buttons.
  • Once the Selected Sites list is finalised, select Save.    

Step 3: Check that they have been flagged as a work employee  

To assign work to internal employees, they must be flagged as a Work Employee. To flag an internal Work Employee, go to the Services module and select Contacts.   

  • Using the filters, search and select the employee record. Once selected, the row will be highlighted in light blue.
  • Select Edit.  
  • On the Employee Details, under Options, if not already selected, select the checkbox next to Work Employee.
  • Select Save.

Problems assigning work to external suppliers

Step 1: Check that the supplier has been set up as a user in FMI Works

  • Go to the Services module and select Suppliers > Supplier List. 
  • Use the Supplier Name search to check whether the supplier is set up in FMI Works. If not, create the new supplier. See How to Create a New Supplier.

Step 2: Check that the supplier has been set up to work at the relevant site/s 

  • Go to the Services module and select Suppliers > Supplier List 
  • Use the Supplier Name search to locate the supplier.
  • Select the pencil icon next to the supplier’s name. 
  • Select the Sites tab and then check that the required site is sitting under Selected Sites. If not, you will be unable to assign work to the supplier for that site. 
  • Sites can be moved between Available Sites and Selected Sites by selecting the relevant site/s checkboxes and using the < > buttons.
  • Once the Selected Sites list is finalised, select Save.