How to Get Started with Asset Information

What information is required to add assets to FMI Works?

This article is for users who have been given the permission of Works Coordinator and are getting started with FMI Works

Why asset information is required

When asset management is a desired outcome for your facility, asset information can be maintained in FMI Works' comprehensive asset register.

If you are getting started in your asset management journey, our team can provide advice on how to structure your asset register and the processes and policies that you will need to support effective asset management.

Assets are not required when first implementing FMI Works. They can be added at any stage during the implementation phase or later.

Asset information

It is recommended that the asset register is compiled based on the importance of assets as well as the need for managing planned maintenance schedules.

Before you upload asset information, ensure you have added your locations.

The following fields are mandatory in order to create and save an asset record.

Asset Group

A high-level categorisation of the asset. The asset belongs to a group. For example, HVAC or Electrical.


Asset Type

A low-level categorisation of the asset. The asset is a type. For example, Air-Handling Unit or Lights.


Asset Name

A unique identifier for the asset. Any naming convention can be used so long as it is unique.


Asset Description

A description of the asset.


Asset Status

Used to identify if the asset is in use or is inactive. The default status is Active. If the asset is no longer in use, an appropriate status can be assigned.



Used to identify where the asset is physically located. The work order will filter assets based on the location.


There are several additional fields available in the comprehensive asset register, some of which are highly recommended to support asset management. 

Uploading data

We can upload your asset information as part of our onboarding services.

We also make our asset import template available to you to update your data at any time you choose. This can be found in the Administrator module by selecting the Reference > Import Assets.

More information

See How to Manage Asset Groups and Types and How to Manage Asset Systems.