How to Use the Location Import Tool

The Location Import Tool can be used to bulk create or update location data in FMI Works

This article is for FMI Works users who have been given the permission of System Administrator 

When to Use the Location Import Tool

The Location Import Tool can be used to bulk create new locations or update existing location data in FMI Works.

Check what fields you need to update

The Location Import Tool can create and/or update specific fields on the Site, Building, Floor, and Room records. A list of these fields is provided in this article below.

If a field is not available in the Location Import Template, that field will need to be manually updated on each individual record. For example, setting a site to “inactive” requires a manual update. To manually update a Site, Building, Floor or Room record, follow the instructions in Setting up Room Locations.

Check what locations you need to update

Only locations that were created using the Location Import Tool can be updated using the Location Import Tool. Locations that were manually created in FMI Works must be updated manually, following the instructions in Setting up Room Locations.

Locations that were created using the Location Import Tool will have a Location Key associated with the Site, Building, Floor or Room record. To determine which records have a Location Key, either run the Location Summary Report in CSV format or edit the site, building or floor in Services > Locations > Location Summary and check the External ID field.

Create or update records

The import process will either create or update the location record depending on the following conditions:

  • Update – The Location Key matches an existing Location Key in the database.
  • Create – The Location Key does not match an existing Location Key in the database.

Process Overview

There are three steps to the Location Import process:

  1. Download the Location Import template.
  2. Add data to the Location Import template.
  3. Import the completed Location Import template.

Step 1: Download the template

From the Administrator module, select References > Location Import.

Select Download Template > Location Import Template to download the excel spreadsheet template.


Step 2: Add data to the Location Import Template

Fill in the Site, Building, Floor, and Room template sheets as needed in the Location Import Template, which is an Excel spreadsheet.


Carefully observe the import rules and conditions detailed in this article below and in the Location Import Template. If the import conditions are not met, the location will not be imported.

Important: The Site, Building, Floor, and Room Keys are required fields and must be completed. If a record does not have a Key, it was created manually and must be updated manually.

Site Fields

The Location Import requires at least 1 site record.


Required Columns

Site Name

The name of the site

Max. 100 Characters

Site Key

The site key. It must be unique to other sites e.g., SITE1

Max. 50 Characters


Address 1

The address of the site

Max. 100 Characters


The city or suburb

Max. 100 Characters


The name of the state

Must be one of the following: VIC, SA, NSW, TAS, QLD, WA, NZ


Optional Columns

Address 2

An additional field for address information

Max. 100 Characters

Post Code

The postcode

Max. 20 Characters


The country

Max. 100 Characters


Building Fields

The building cannot be imported or updated without the preceding Site template data filled in.


Required Columns

Building Name

The name of the building

Max. 100 Characters

Building Key

The Building Key should be unique to other buildings at this site. It should include the site key e.g., SITE1-BLDA

Max. 50 Characters

Site Key

This is the Site Key that this building will be associated with e.g., SITE1

Max. 50 Characters


Optional Columns

Address 1

The address of the building

Max. 50 Characters

Address 2

An additional field for address information

Max. 50 Characters


The city or suburb of the building

Max. 50 Characters


The postcode

Max. 10 Characters


Floor Fields

The Floor cannot be imported or updated without the preceding Site and Building templates filled in.


All columns are required

Floor/Level Name

The name of the floor

Max. 50 Characters

Floor Key

The Floor Key should be unique to other floors in this building. It should include the Building Key e.g., SITE1-BLDA-LV1

Max. 50 Characters

Building Key

This is the Building Key that this floor will be associated with e.g., SITE1-BLDA

Max. 50 Characters


Room Fields

The Room cannot be imported or updated without the preceding Site, Building, and Floor templates filled in.


Required Columns

Room Name

The room name or number

Max. 100 Characters

Floor Name

The floor name that this room is located on

Max. 50 Characters

Room Key

The Room Key should be unique to other rooms on this floor. It should include the building key e.g., SITE1-BLDA-LV1-RM1

Max. 50 Characters

Floor Key

The Floor Key is the floor that this room will be associated with e.g., SITE1-BLDA-LV1

Max. 50 Characters


Optional Fields

Local Name

The local name is an additional naming option for the room. It is used as a common identifier for the room e.g., Kitchen, Toilet, Meeting Room.

Max. 100 Characters

Step 3: Import the completed template

After all four tabs of the spreadsheet have been updated as needed, each of the Site, Building, Floor, and Room sheets must be saved to individual CSV files by following these steps:

  • Go to the Site Template sheet and select all columns. Copy and paste the data into a new Excel spreadsheet and select Save As.
  • Give the file an appropriate name (e.g., Sites) and select to save the file as CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv).
  • Repeat this process for each of the Building Template, Floor Template, and Room Template.

From the Administrator module, select References > Location Import.

Select Choose File to upload CSV files for Site, Building, Floor and Room. All four CSV files must be selected for an import to be successful.

Select Start Import.

A confirmation message will display if the import is successful.

Tips for using the Location Import Tool

  • The Location Import Tool requires users to have a basic knowledge of Excel.
  • We recommend that you use a small sample set of data when using the Location Import tool for this first time. This will enable you to review the changes to ensure they align with what you are trying to achieve.
  • Location records can be updated individually through the user interface if desired, rather than using the Location Import Tool. For more information, see articles: