A guide to choosing user roles and permissions in FMI Works
This article is for FMI Works users who have been given the permission of System Administrator
What are user roles for?
When a user is created in FMI Works, they are given user permissions that align with the responsibilities of their role. These permissions define whether the user has a free or paid FM Professional Seat, the areas they can access, and what actions they can perform.
There are five roles available for users within an organisation.
Free and unlimited users
- Stakeholder ('Basic End User')
- Works User
- Works Approver
FM Professional Seat required
- Works Coordinator ('Coordinator')
- Works Manager ('Manager')
A user can also be given additional Administrator permissions to update settings and reference data or user permissions as part of their role.
Users of FMI Works that are not internal employees are managed separately as Suppliers. See Supplier Roles for more information.
Stakeholder ('Basic End User')
A Stakeholder is someone who requires access to the Requests Portal to raise requests.
This is the lowest level of permission a user can have in FMI Works.
Typically, Stakeholder users are internal employees of the organisation who use the facilities but are not part of the facilities team. For example, teachers at a school, nurses at a hospital, or retail assistants in a shopping centre.
These users would only use FMI Works to raise requests and check on the status of the request in the Requests Portal.
Stakeholders can:
- Raise new requests in the Requests Portal.
- Add attachments, for example photos, to the request.
- Check on the status of their requests.
- Update their contact information.
Works User
A Works User is an internal employee that requires access to the Services module to receive and complete work orders assigned to them.
This role is suitable for internal tradespeople who will be assigned to work requests.
Note: A Works User can only be assigned to work orders if they have the ‘Work Employee’ setting checked in their Employee Details and have been allocated to work on those sites, which can be set in the Sites/Security tab in Employee Details.
Works Users have access to Stakeholder functionality. They can also:
- Browse, but not edit, planned jobs.
- Browse, but not edit, assets.
- Complete jobs assigned to them.
Works Approver
A Works Approver is an internal employee that is authorised to approve work orders.
Some organisations require works to be approved by a supervisor or manager before being assigned to a trade. This business process can be followed by setting up designated users as Works Approvers. This feature must be enabled in Settings.
Works Approvers have access to Stakeholder and Works User functionality. They can also:
- Approve work orders before they are set to 'Work In Progress'.
- See all work orders at a particular site (this is dependent on the sites they have access to in Services > Contacts > Employee List > Employee Details).
Works Coordinator ('Coordinator')
A Works Coordinator is an internal employee who is responsible for triaging requests and assigning work orders.
This role is suitable for a user who will be triaging work requests and assigning work to internal tradespeople or external contractors.
Works Coordinators have access to Stakeholder, Works User, and Works Approver functionality. They can also:
- Access all locations, regardless of their settings in Employee Details.
- Create and edit contracts.
- Search and access documents.
- Add costs to work orders.
- Add assets to work orders.
- Alter work orders after completion.
- Create and schedule planned jobs.
- Create and edit projects.
- Access all reports.
- View suppliers and supplier details.
- Create, edit and request work order quotes from suppliers.
Note: The Works Coordinator role requires a paid FM Professional Seat. To add Seats to your current plan, contact your account manager at success@fmiworks.com.
Works Manager ('Manager')
A Works Manager is an internal employee who is responsible for general facilities operations and asset management.
This role is suitable for users who are responsible for overseeing the entire facility.
Works Managers have access to Stakeholder, Works User, Works Approver, and Works Coordinator functionality. They can also:
- Add and edit assets.
- Set up Broadcasts.
- Create and edit budgets.
- Create and edit portfolios.
- Create and edit users.
- Create and edit Process States.
- View work order feedback.
- Create and edit locations.
- Create and edit suppliers.
- Assign security permissions to users and suppliers.
Administrator Permissions
Users that need to update settings and reference data or permissions should be given Administrator permissions, in addition to their user role.
There are two levels of Administrator permissions available:
- Reference Administrator.
- System Administrator.
Reference Administrator
Reference Administrator permissions are for internal employees who require administrator access to manage reference data. For example, Job Types, email templates, and work order priorities.
Reference Administrator permissions are suitable for users who are required to manage FMI Works system settings but not user permissions.
Depending on their user role (Stakeholder, Works User, Works Approver, Works Coordinator or Works Manager), they may or may not have access to day-to-day functions in the system.
Reference Administrators can:
- Access work order, planned job, and asset reports.
- Add and edit asset information.
- Verify supplier accreditations.
- Create and edit budgets.
- Create and edit contracts.
- Create and edit cost allocations.
- Create custom messaging for the Requests and Contractor Portals.
- Add documents to work orders, assets, and sites.
- Search for and view existing documents.
- Edit email templates.
- Edit employee information.
- Edit expense information.
- View and edit invoices on work orders.
- Review work order feedback.
- View and edit work order quotes from suppliers.
- View, not edit, all work orders.
- Create and edit priorities, Process States, and Service Types.
- Configure scheduling settings.
System Administrator
System Administrator permissions are for internal employees who require administrator access to manage reference data and user permissions.
These permissions are suitable for users who require full access to all administrative settings in FMI Works.
Depending on their user role (Stakeholder, Works User, Works Approver, Works Coordinator or Works Manager), they may or may not have access to day-to-day functions in the system.
System Administrators have access to Reference Administrator functionality. They can also update user roles and permissions.
More information
For instructions on how to edit roles and permissions, see User Permissions. For a guide to choosing permissions for suppliers, see Supplier Roles.