What To Do With a Work Order That Has Been Approved or Rejected

After a Work Order Approver has assessed a work order, the work order needs to either be assigned or closed

This article is for FMI Works users who have been given the permission of Works Coordinator or Works Manager 


Some organisations may require certain types of work requests to be approved by designated approvers. This is an optional feature that can be enabled in FMI Works.

When a Work Order Approver receives a work order approval request, they will either select 'Approved' or 'Not Approved'.

  • If the work order has been set to 'Approved', the Works Coordinator or Works Manager will need to assign the work order and update the work order status to 'Work in Progress'.
  • If the work order has been set to 'Not Approved', the Works Coordinator or Works Manager will need to update the work order status to 'Not to Proceed'.

Work Order Approval Notifications

To determine whether a work order has been 'Approved' or 'Not Approved' either go to:

  • The Recent Status Changes list on the Services Dashboard; or
  • The Work Order Search screen.

Recent Status Changes

On the Services Dashboard, the Recent Status Changes list will display work orders that have been recently 'Approved' or 'Not Approved'.

The Works Coordinator or Works Manager can drill down to the relevant work order by clicking on the relevant work order in the Recent State Changes list.

Work Order Search Screen

On the Work Order Search screen, an icon next to the WO # will indicate:

Green thumbs up = Approved

Red thumbs down = Not Approved

Question Mark = Not Yet Actioned

To display only the 'Approved' and 'Not Approved' work orders, click the blue header of the icon column.


To display all work order approvals that have not been actioned yet, click the blue header of the icon column again.


To return to filtering based on the latest work order number, click the blue header of the icon column once more.

When the Work Order is 'Approved'

If the work order has been marked as 'Approved':

  • Open the work order.
  • The green Approval text records the Approver and time the work order was set to 'Approved'.
  • The work order should be triaged and assigned to an employee or supplier.
  • The Current Status should be updated to 'Work in Progress'.
  • Select Save.

When the Work Order is 'Not Approved'

If the work order has been marked as 'Not Approved':

  • Open the work order.
  • The red Approval text records the Approver and time the work order was set to 'Not Approved'.
  • The Current Status should be updated to 'Not To Proceed'.
  • Select Save.

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